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Design Theory and the Different Processes Involved

Designing is one of the three disciplines that make up modern design theory. A design is a blueprint of a certain design or structure, or its manifestation in some form, for the realization of an idea, concept, or implementation, in the form of an original or prototype. The term to design normally indicates the entire process of developing a design or blueprint for a structure or item. Designers typically use the word abstraction when describing their work.

A designer can create detailed designs through several complex processes. The most obvious and common among these processes is the design process model, which depicts in great detail how the designer wants his/her object to look. The detail design process models allow designers to visualize their objects in three-dimensional (3D) space. They can then experiment with various aspects of the model, to get the best possible design that meets their specifications.

Another popular design process model is the engineering design process model, which concentrates on the appearance of the object, but does not focus as much on its functionality as other design processes do. It focuses more on appearance than on details, but designers are able to create an efficient layout that will meet the functional requirements. Finally, the architect’s model is a popular choice for industrial designers, because it is often a very detailed drawing of what the building would ultimately look like inside out, taking into account external factors such as windows and doors. It is not as detailed as the other two process models but still covers most of the architectural areas that concern a building. In this way, an industrial designer is able to give an accurate description of what the building will look like from the inside out, even taking into consideration all the external factors that will affect its interior as well.

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